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SCIATICA: pain along the course of a sciatic nerve especially in the back of the thigh caused by compression, inflammation, or reflex mechanisms; broadly : pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, or adjacent parts.
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INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of pain, stiffness, inflammation, arthritis, and conditions of the tendons and ligaments; backache, shoulder and arm pain, particularly on the right side; sciatic neuralgia, joint pain. Inflammation 2 | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of the symptoms of inflammation such as stiffness, joint pain and minor backaches.

Our Price: $42.00
INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of inflamed, painful or stiff joints, muscle pain, arthritic and rheumatic inflammation, muscle pain, bronchitis, influenza, headache, fever, cough, tonsillitis, or fever. Inflammation | 1 oz | DesBio

For temporary relief of inflamed painful or still joints, muscle pain, headache, cough, or fever.

Our Price: $44.00