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MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: any of a group of hereditary diseases characterized by progressive wasting of muscles -- called also progressive muscular dystrophy.
DUCHESS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: a severe progressive form of muscular dystrophy of males that appears in early childhood, affects the muscles of the legs before those of the arms and the proximal muscles of the limbs before the distal ones, is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait, is characterized by complete absence of the protein dystrophin, and usually has a fatal outcome by age 20.
BECKER MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: a less severe form of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with later onset and slower progression of the disease that is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait and is characterized by dystrophin of deficient or abnormal molecular weight.
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For temporary relief of symptoms related to miasmic conditions including skin rashes, itching, dry coughs, warts.

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